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Hotwire & Laravel

I’ve been working on Turbo Laravel - a package that bridges Hotwire with Laravel, and although I have done an introduction to Hotwire before, I didn't really dive into using the package itself (lol, right?). And I also didn't cover the Turbo Native aspect of building applications this way, so… it’s time!


If you enjoy video content, I’ve recorded 3 videos showing the building blocks of using this technique.

01 Hotwire 101

In the first episode, I cover what Hotwire is, going over the concepts of Turbo Drive, Turbo Frames, and Turbo Streams over HTTP (as responses). The demo application uses a Laravel app. We end up having to do a lot of boilerplate to get things to work (such as request validations).

02 Turbo Laravel

For the second episode, it’s time to introduce the Turbo Laravel package and solve some of the pain-points we saw on the previous video. I also take the opportunity to show how to broadcast Turbo Streams over WebSockets, and for that I go over how to setup the Laravel WebSockets package with Laravel Sail so you can test it all locally.

03 Turbo Native

For the third and last episode, I go over the Turbo Native aspect of Hotwire. The Basecamp folks prepared a demo app for us, so I’ll use that to show the technique. A little disclaimer here: I’m no mobile developer. I’ve done an Android development course once, but it was a long time ago. Anyways, I think this is a really powerful way of building hybrid applications and allows you to enhance your mobile apps per page and as much fidelity as you need.

Hotwire & Laravel

The Turbo Laravel package is pretty much done. I haven’t tagged v1 yet because I’m waiting on the Turbo.js library to get stable as well, although I can’t seen anything changing that would force me to change a lot (the integration surface of the backend and Turbo.js is really small).

I thought of writing a longer version of an introduction to the package itself (some kind of Getting Started), but I think that both the Turbo Handbook and the Turbo Laravel documentation really covers a lot of what is possible. So, for now, I’ll just reference them.

I hope you enjoy the videos. Please, let me know if I said something wrong.